Friday, March 6, 2009

Semester Two: Article One - Hastings Community Theatre does its part to “go green”

Hastings Community Theatre does its part to “go green”

A man in a white shirt is pelted with a glass of water, a girl with a passion for the pigskin rips into an unsuspecting date, as a boy in burlap wallows in his loneliness. Then come those two infamous words that no date wants to hear.

“Check Please” is a one-act play that dramatizes the last ditch relationship tactic of blind dating. Within the one act the audience is introduced to 14 people in 13 scenes.

All these characters have very different personalities including a Tim Allen enthusiast, a football fanatic, an out of place child, a mime and many more. The one act is directed by Chris Scott, Hastings College Alum and current Assistant Director of Forensics for HC.

Scott is making his directorial debut within the Hastings Community Theatre with “Check Please.” Scott has had plenty of directing experience before “Check Please.” He has directed at Kansas, Ohio and here on campus. Scott has plans to continue directing.

“I’m still a fairly young director but, it’s what I want to do, so I’m happy to be doing it for the experience it offers,” Scott said.

Scott’s show will be one of two entertainment events for the theatre’s fundraiser titled, “A Local Affair.” Scott isn’t the only familiar face behind this tour de force of comedy included in the cast is James Duin, Jillian Haller, Jessica Brock and Robert (Bob) Gilmore.

“These people aren’t there to get paid, they’re there to have fun, and love being on stage and love sharing that,” Scott said.

The passion for the stage came from different sources for these collegiate actresses.

Jillian Haller said, “My mother is the President of the Arts League and directs the community show so she always instilled a love of the arts so I did what she did, I suppose.”

“I started doing theatre in high school,” Brock said, “I loved that it gave me an opportunity to be someone outside of myself and look at life from different points of view.”

This group of actors has graced the stage along with high school students, alumni and other Hastings community members.

Though the one act should be an entertaining affair, there will also be a social hour, cash bar, in-house raffle, a performance of musical selections and all funds benefit the Hastings Community Theatre and their plans to “go green.”

“From what I understand, all of the profits from our production go to energy efficient windows; it will pick up the appearance of the theatre and will save them money to put toward other restorations,” Haller said.

This is just one step for a theatre on a new road of renovation in their hopes of “going green.”

In terms of theatres though, Hastings is just one of many that is taking on this mission. This new idea was brought forth by the Green Theatre Initiative with one of their taglines being, “Going green keeps theaters ahead of the curve.”

“If you can go green, it’s a win-win situation. Now that everybody is going green, it’s a really great time to capitalize on it,” Scott said. The fundraisers will be Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.

Those interested in “A Local Affair” can contact the theatre at (402) 463-1500, the tickets will be $20 for adults and $15 for students who have their student IDs.

Scott said, “The show is super funny, it’s about something everyone can identify with and the money you pay for your admission goes toward a great cause, and more than that going to the theatre itself, the community theatre is something that I feel is important.”

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