Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jon Favreau is not directing 'Avengers' and Norton is not in 'Iron'

Ladies and gentlemen, today is a sad day.  The Jon Favreau, Mr. Iron Man, god among Marvel movie directors has decided he will NOT be directing the planned Avengers film to be released after the Captain America film.  Fans have been pushing for Favreau to direct the film starring the Marvel characters, Thor, Captain America, The Hulk and Iron Man.

I say again Favreau will not be directing The Avengers. It’s a shame, yes, but someone else deserves a shot at the film.  Favreau is hogging the awesome and needs to spread it among the Marvel movie directors.  It will be good for him to be on the side and maybe have his major input with the film be on Iron Man and not tackle all of the characters.

Favreau is currently working on post-production for Iron Man 2 and will be release on May 7, 2010.  No footage for Iron Man 2 has been released to the public but some was shown at the San Diego Comic Con this summer. Favreau spoke with MTV News recently at the Couples Retreat junket in Bora, Bora and said:

“They’ll have to [find a different director], because I’m not going to be available.  It’s something I’m being the executive producer on, so I’ll definitely have input and a say.”
Favreau did give some incite on where exactly the film might go and how the director and producers will deal with the diversity of characters.  Favreau said:

“It’s going to be hard, because I was so involved in creating the world of Iron Man and Iron Man is very much a tech-based hero, and then with ‘Avengers’ you’re going to be introducing some supernatural aspects because of Thor. How you mix the two of those works very well in the comic books, but it’s going to take a lot of thoughtfulness to make that all work and not blow the reality that we’ve created.”

Favreau had talked about taking the reigns of The Avengers but any speculation can be nixed.  The question at hand now is who will take the position?  Well, bare with me here but because Disney just bought Marvel could Marvel be interested in making the cross over by first having a Disney director handle the film perhaps John Lasseter or dare I say BRAD BIRD.  It’s known that he can handle a team of superheroes flawlessly with The Incredibles and is a true visionary in terms of visual storytelling.

You know that idea rules admit it!  Or perhaps another interesting choice of direction similar to the pick of Kenneth Branagh for Thor. How about Gus Van Sant directs The Avengers, epic.
Alright in other Marvel and Favreau news, Edward Norton will not be appearing in Iron Man 2. There was rumor that he would either cameo as Bruce Banner or The Hulk but Favreau also discredited those rumors.  Thanks Jon!

Chris Pine to fill role done by 'Indy,' 'Daredevil' and Jacky Boy

The man behind the next gen…new Captain Kirk in J.J. Abrams Star Trek reboot could be filling the shoes of a lesser Bourne type with not nearly the amount of cool as Bond.  That man is Chris Pine and the character is none other than Jack Ryan.  Paramount Pictures, the studio that also released Star Trek is intending to add a film to the Tom Clancy series.

The series has four movies to its name so far, The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger and The Sum of All Fears.  The role of CIA agent Jack Ryan has been portrayed by Alec Baldwin (The Hunt for Red October), Harrison Ford (Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger) and Ben Affleck (The Sum of All Fears.)  Variety broke the story of Pine possibly being involved in the next film.

As of right now the only for sure news bit surrounding the Jack Ryan feature is that Hosselin Amini recently turned in his script draft for the film.  The film will not be based on any novel written by the character originator, Tom Clancy, but rather an original screenplay involving the character Jack Ryan.

I honestly have never seen any of these films so I won’t judge based upon content but from what they’ve done in terms of box office this seems like a step backwards for Pine.  He was the golden boy who revived an iconic character perfectly and held a big blockbuster on his shoulders.  This guy doesn’t need a CIA conspiracy story to stay on the radar he needs another bigger film.  If he wants to stay on the radar I say get into a superhero flick or if he’s looking for an award go drama or indie.

As of right now Pine is set to be in two projects and possibly a Star Trek sequel. He is currently filming, Unstoppable, directed by Tony Scott and co-starring Denzel Washington.  Unstoppable is being produced by Twentieth Century Fox. It was also recently announced that Pine might star in the  film, The Art of Making Money.

Out of the few films mentioned, Washington, Pine and trains (Unstoppable) is intriguing but I think both men could do better. 

The Art of Making Money seems to be the best of the films.  It's being directed by the solid D.J. Caruso (Disturbia) and is about a counterfeiter in New York.  It echoes Catch Me If You Can but I’m not so sure that’s a bad thing, could potentially be Pine’s in for Oscar? 

Star Trek? Is there any question this should happen?  The first was great, but there are so many stories to be told still. 

Finally, the Jack Ryan film could be fun for Pine and give him some more action screen time but I think he should wait on jumping on the bandwagon that captured a superhero, a space pirate and a foul mouthed cop.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ruben Fleischer is having the best week ever

A question you might be asking is who the heck is Ruben Fleischer?  First you could say he is the director of the critically and financially acclaimed film, Zombieland. Second you could say he is one of the most sought after directors in Hollywood.  Third, he’s way more legit than you.

Fleischer was originally a music video director looking for his shot at a big feature.  Now he has a number one film under his belt and is being listed with every comedy flick known in Hollywood.
Fleischer hasn’t officially joined any projects but a few The Hollywood Reporter has circled for the director are Daddy’s Home, Neighborhood Watch, 21 Jump Street and Psycho Funky Chimp.

Woody Harrelson had said in the past that Fleischer would be working with Will Ferrell next.  Apparently that’s not far off the mark.  Fleischer might direct the Ferrell vehicle, Daddy’s Home, in which Ferrell would be a divorced guy who reaks havoc in the life of his newly remarried ex-wife and her uptight second husband. (Possibly played by Ed Helms)

Next is the proposed recreation of the popular ’80s show, 21 Jump Street in film.  It was initially set to star Jonah Hill but doesn’t currently have a director and is being produced by Sony.  This could be a really cool project because after seeing what Fleischer has done with Zombieland it is intriguing to think about Hill in the role originally filled by Johnny Depp and I think Fleischer could bring a new spin to an old idea.

Another former Ferrell vehilce, Neighborhood Watch, is another potential project for him.  I wish I could tell you why this is the worst flipping idea ever.  I wish I could tell you.  In the film a city guy moves to the suburbs and discovers an alien conspiracy, it sounds fun it’s not.

Finally the most intriguing of his projects would have to be Psycho Funky Chimp.  This was his planned project before Zombieland.  The story follows a guy who buys the rarest of all Pez dispensers, the Psycho Funky Chimp.  The purchase attracts vultures, thieves and fanboys and makes him question whether he really is ready to grow up.

Recap: Daddy’s Home, poor move on Fleischer’s part, seems too juvenile, 21 Jump Street, heck yes bring on some high school infiltration with his style, Neighborhood Watch, please god no!  Even he cannot make this script good, Psycho Funky Chimp, I’m in for some weird fun!

Trailer Review: 'Toy Story 3' reminiscent of the good and the bad

I don’t mean to be a pessimist here, but rather a skeptic because I do not want people to get let down if this sequel is not to the same level of the previous films. 

Most entertainment news sites have had nothing but positive things to say about this film so far but I can’t help but think there might be issues present.

Don’t get me wrong this trailer is beautifully done and I’m very excited.  I saw this first when I viewed the double feature of Toy Story 1/2.  I got goose bumps seeing young Andy on screen again.  It was cool to see his home movies because he was one of us when the first film came out, a kid.  Andy grows up in the movies and finally we see Andy heading off to college deciding what to do with his old toys including his pals Woody and Buzz. 

From there it’s not apparent what happens but the toys end up in a daycare center and go through all sorts of torture.  Buzz is nearly swallowed by a young child and Potato Head and the Mrs. look like amputees when the kids are finished with them.  It’s a very funny scene and it looks fantastic on screen, there is a lot of color to it, which will be perfect in 3D.

The toys decide to break out from the daycare center.  Buzz attempts his daring escape similar to the way he first flew in Toy Story and suffers the equivalent to a concussion for a toy.  The others have to reset Buzz and accidentally reset the space ranger to a Spanish setting.  Not only does Buzz think he is Spanish and suave but he’s back to believing he’s a space ranger.

Hamm said it best, “Oh yes, return of the astronut.”

Okay I have literally no comments about the first minute and forty five seconds.  The home movies are brilliant and very sentimental which is fitting because of how these characters make people feel.  The story of Andy going to college is not too cheesy and provides a good conflict to keep the plot moving as far as I can tell.

However, once we hit that mark of 1:45, the plot seems very similar to the past Story’s.  The idea of busting out has been a subplot that has been done to death in the Toy Story franchise.  Woody and Buzz had to bust out of Sid’s house, Woody had to get out of Al’s apartment and now they’re busting out again with the slogan: No Toy Gets Left Behind. It all seems very similar.  Now you can take this as a positive and say “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” but I say that Pixar has way more originality than exploring the simple escape plot.

The other issue, which I see as recycling of the past is the Spanish Buzz subplot.  Have we not already explored Buzz enough?  There are so many other fascinating characters that haven’t been fully explored and should be.   However, Pixar takes the easy way out by going back to Buzz being a bit cuckoo like when he first arrived.  It was done in Toy Story with Woody and his constant bickering over whether or not he was a toy or a space ranger.  Then, we saw it in Toy Story 2 where he literally had to battle his old self as a wannabe space ranger. 

I would not be surprised to see a gimmick where Woody and Buzz act out that iconic scene in which Woody tells Buzz he is a toy and Buzz answer back in Spanish with, “And you are a sad, strange little man, you have my pity.”  Will I laugh?  Heck yes!  That’s funny stuff but I’ll feel cheated after all these years because Pixar couldn’t come up with a plot not involving Buzz so centrally.

What gives me faith in this movie using more than these overused ideas is the fact that there have been a lot of new characters cast in recent months that could be a huge part in the film.  However, I think it’s more than likely they’re all in the daycare scene and that’s their only part in the adventure.  Either way I promise you readers that I am very excited for this film and I’m so glad they released such an early trailer but I can’t help but be skeptical on the plot thus far.

In quick casting news Kristen Schaal (Flight of the Conchords) will be voicing a character in the new film and Blake Clark will be taking on the Slinky Dog voice which was originally done by Jim Varney but Varney died shortly after the release of Toy Story 2.

Finally for all of those still wanting to see Toy Story1/2 one final time on the big screen.  The double feature will be in release for another 2 weeks until it is replaced by the release of The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D.

Toy Story 3 will be released on June 18, 2010 and The Nightmare Before Christmas has been re-released in 3D in select cities.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Singer may re-join the "X-Men"

Bryan Singer just might collaborate with our favorite mutants (besides my family) again. Singer has certainly not signed on for any specific X-Men feature but there are plenty for the man who created the first two films.

Those films include X-Men: First Class currently being produced by X-Men, X2 and X-Men:The Last Stand producer Lauren Schuler Donner and written by Josh Schwartz (Chuck.)

Next up for grabs would be the proposed sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The sequel is set to star Hugh Jackman in the iconic role and possibly take place in Japan. Finally is the spin-off for Ryan Reynold’s character, Deadpool and maybe even the continuation of the current X-Men franchise with X-Men 4.

Singer has not officially signed on to any of these pictures and has plenty of projects he’s currently in development on. Included on Singer’s current slate are Exacalibur, Battlestar Galactica and Jack the Giant Killer.

According to The Hollywood Reporter Singer spoke up at the Pusan International Film Festival in South Korea and said:

“I’m still looking to possibly returning to the ‘X-Men’ franchise. I’ve been talking to Fox about it. I love Hugh Jackman. I love the cast.”

From Singer’s comments alone one could assume a number of things. First off the projects he more than likely won’t take on would probably be X-Men: First Class because he would have to drop the reigns of Jack because First Class is set to shoot in the spring. Also the second I would say should be dropped is Deadpool, from his comments he intends to work with Jackman again and his part in the spin-off would probably be cameo at most. Deadpool is also a character he hasn’t been particualrly familiar with in his films but it certainly would be neat to see Singer’s spin on the “merc with a mouth.”

So that leaves the rumored X-Men 4 or Wolverine 2, I would love to see Wolverine 2 by Singer but more exciting would be to see the whole gang together again. The reason it is more than likely the sequel to Wolverine would have to be his comment about working with Hugh Jackman, because again I would think Jackman’s claws are in Wolverine’s court and any part of a full X-Men film would be cameo at best.

Finally one cannot forget that maybe Singer might change his mind again and take out the ‘Man of Steel’ for another journey. As of right now it appears Supes is out of Singer’s hands. Perhaps Warner Brother will rethink such stupidity because the problem with Superman Returns wasn’t a bad story or most certainly direction but rather he wasn’t marketed well and he doesn’t really fit into this America anymore. Either way hopefully neither Warner Bros. or Fox drop by the ball on this because I want another Singer superhero film.

Box Office Results: October 9th - 11th

Okay, I fail. I epically, horrifically fail as an entertainment reporter because this should have been done Sunday evening and is probably the single easiest story to post but here it is…late.

I am honestly not surprised by the box office results of the week but a trifle upset. Couples Retreat on the surface looks like a fun comedy with great comedy actors but I’m sorry in my world Vince Vaughn has overstayed his welcome and shame on Jason Bateman for being in a film with him.

Well, in the end it worked out for all involved because the film took in a very solid $34.2 million. Luckily something remained in the Top 3 deserving of such an honor, that film is Zombieland which I was able to watch this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Other surprises on the box office chart include Toy Story 1/2’s drop in the box office but apparently it was enough to have Disney extend the double features release.

Finally, comes the most exciting and impressive budget receipt for the weekend. Paranormal Activity the realistic limited released horror film raked in $7.9 million for the weekend. As of right now the winner for the weekend will be Where the Wild Things Are which will not be a surprise to anyone.

1.) Couples Retreat - $34.2 million
2.) Zombieland - $14.8 million
3.) Cloudy With a Chance for Meatballs - $11.5 million
4.) Toy Story/Toy Story 2 - $7.9 million
5.) Paranormal Activity - $7.7 million
6.) Surrogates - $4.2 million
7.) The Invention of Lying - $3.3 million
8.) Whip It - $2.8 million
9.) Capitalism: A Love Story - $2.6 million
10.) Fame - $2.5 million

Movie Review: "The Informant"

I have loved the movies I have seen lately and you might notice that all my latest reviews are incredibly positive. I consider myself a good judge of character in terms of movies but sometimes I am mistaken, case in point, Hancock.

However, The Informant was not one of those misses, it was everything I expected but also some I didn’t. The film itself follows the character, Mark Whitacre an Archer Daniels Midland employee who became an informant to the FBI on the companies work in price fixing with other international organizations. I really don’t want to say much more in terms of plot because if I give away even a little bit more it would be too much.

I promise you though that this story is solid to its core. The plot is always moving even when interrupted by Whitacre’s (Matt Damon) inner monolgue. There are so many emotions present in this film and in a viewers mind as they watch that it is nearly indescribable. The audience views characters as heroes, crooks, idiots and geniuses sometimes within a few scenes of each other. The plot is beautifully thought out and though it becomes difficult to follow at points, you will more than likely catch on eventually.

In terms of acting, it is some of the most top notch acting seen this fall. Damon is looking better than ever even though he had to put on a few pounds for the role. It is amazing to think that he is the same guy to bring Jason Bourne to life. This role further proves how versatile Damon is as an actor. Also featured in the film is Scott Bakulka as Brian Shephard, FBI agent. Bakulka who is most well known for his character in Quantum Leap is at his best and makes an audience question why Bakulka has not been used before in film. He portrays the intrigue, frustration and overall power an FBI agent has over people perfectly. Along for the ride with Bakulka is Joel McHale as FBI agent Robert Herndon. McHale (Community) really steps up to the plate for this big movie role and knocks it out of the park. His acting style is not utilized so much in dialogue but rather in nonverbals. McHale brings a power to each sarcastic look, dissappointed head shake and general body language used. Finally, last but not least is Melanie Lynskey as Whitacre’s wife, Ginger. She plays the committed wife to a T and is the perfect awkward ying to Damon’s yang. You sense that she would truly follow this foolish guy into the fire any day of the week just like the real Ginger Whitacre.

Also there are a few great comedy actors that take some semi-serious turns in The Informant. Those actors are as follows: Patton Oswalt, Tony Hale, Clancy Brown, Paul F. Thompkins and Andrew Daly.

Next, I have to commend the amazing production designer who made a nineties baby realize how dorky his parents looked nearly twenty years ago. I remember when the first trailer premiered that people were calling it that ’70s movie with Damon. How weird it is that the film in fact takes place within the 90s and 00s. With each ridiculous neck tie, cubicle space, plane and hotel room, Doug J. Meerdink nails every bit of the production design.

To forget the music would be a failure for me as both a film reviewer and music lover because Marvin Hamlisch is a true genius with The Informant. Each musical piece fits the setting and emotion around. Hamlisch accomplishes what many music composers cannot seem to pull off even through an entire film. Hamlisch also creates a sense of irony with the music used in the film with is sarcastic playing of “spy” music as Whitacre is simply a civillian spy in a simple business situation. It’s pitch pefect.

Okay finally the one and only Steven “Oceans” Soderbergh has created his best film in my opinion to date and I am a huge fan of the remake of Oceans Eleven. He has a great grasp on the story of Whitacre and his exploits. This really seemed like a personal project for him and his chance to get the real story of Mark Whitacre on screen. Will Whitacre appreciate Soderbergh’s film is not known but let it be known Steven, I loved The Informant and cannot wait to see your follow up film.

If you’re looking for a film similar to The Informant coming out soon, I suggest watching the trailer for the film, The Men Who Stare at Goats starring a Damon and Soderbergh friend, George Clooney.

The Informant is now playing at the Rivoli and The Men Who Stare at Goats will be released Nov. 6.
The Informant review will be up today with two other news stories, look out for them.

Toy Story 3 Official Trailer

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm hungry for a good movie: 'Zombieland' Movie Review

I start this review by saying this, I have never used the Lord’s name in veign more so than in Zombieland. The reason was, it blew my mind! There was so much fantastic violence and quirky, dark comedy to the movie, I still can’t fully comprehend what I witnessed.

Zombieland follows an unlikely crew of misfits as they travel through the United States, which is now overrun with flesh eating, oozing monsters. The characters in the film go by the names of their cities so as to not get to close to one another in case one of them becomes a zombie. The four city named non-zombiefied civillians are Columbus, a young college kid with no human connections, no family and a list of rules to fend off zombies, Tallahassee, a zombie killing machine who has a tragic past and wants to make no connection with any of these youngsters, oh and did I mention his ultimate goal in Zombieland is to hunt down a specific classic Hostess snack, Wichita, a wise, strong and cool woman who goes for the bad boys but might make an exception, and finally Little Rock, Wichita’s sister and partner in crime who is just as smart and wily as her big sister.

I don’t know where to begin with what I liked about this film from beginning to end it was a laugh riot and most intense movie experience I’ve experienced. Dare I say it may have even rivaled Inglourious Basterds for my favorite movie as of late.

This is a visual film, and that is putting it lightly. With every zombie, the make up is brilliantly done, so realistic, the use of Columbus’ rules in surviving Zombieland are brilliantly inserted in the film. Finally the most amazing part of Zombieland is the often overused slow motion. However, there is nothing corny or cheeseball about the use of the slow motion, it fits with every scene it’s used in and adds yet another level of awe. It is one of the most disturbing, disgusting and brilliantly shot films ever.

Not only is the direction and visual of the film beautiful with it comes brilliant acting from the cast. All four of them, Jesse Eisenberg (Columbus), Woody Harrelson (Tallahassee), Emma Stone (Wichita), Abigail Breslin (Little Rock) give some of the best performances of their careers. Looking at the idea of this film, you think that all is needed is a few kids and older middle aged type to have some fun blasting some zombies. However, there is more to it than that they all have to act comedy, drama, action, heroism and romance sometimes all in the same scene.

I would have to say the best performances come from Stone and Harrelson because they are so bad a—. Eisenberg does a really great job in his role as well but there’s something too Michael Cera about him. Honestly, I think I like his style more than Cera’s but because Cera was around before him it’s hard to forget. Breslin also puts in a great performance, proving that she has certainly gotten better with age.

Finally is the cameo…Yes, you may have heard about it. You may know who it is. I won’t say but believe me folks it lives up to all of the expectations one might have. It is certainly a tad random, but the movie has that feeling to it sometime so it’s not a surprise to see this person up on screen.

Overall this movie was pleasing to the eyes, even though it made the stomach queasy. It was made for only $ 23.6 million but it looks like a $100 million picture, they really got a lot of bang for their buck on this one. The direction by Ruben Fleischer is unbelievable he truly has a grasp of the genre and can handle directing both comedy and horror perfectly. The praise really must go to the writers, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, they created a screenplay that was so entertaining and genius in explaining what many people see as a joke but made Zombieland real and the most intense thrill ride moviegoers might go on this season.

The film was released October 2 and is currently playing at the Imperial Theatres in Hastings.