Monday, October 12, 2009

Movie Review: "The Informant"

I have loved the movies I have seen lately and you might notice that all my latest reviews are incredibly positive. I consider myself a good judge of character in terms of movies but sometimes I am mistaken, case in point, Hancock.

However, The Informant was not one of those misses, it was everything I expected but also some I didn’t. The film itself follows the character, Mark Whitacre an Archer Daniels Midland employee who became an informant to the FBI on the companies work in price fixing with other international organizations. I really don’t want to say much more in terms of plot because if I give away even a little bit more it would be too much.

I promise you though that this story is solid to its core. The plot is always moving even when interrupted by Whitacre’s (Matt Damon) inner monolgue. There are so many emotions present in this film and in a viewers mind as they watch that it is nearly indescribable. The audience views characters as heroes, crooks, idiots and geniuses sometimes within a few scenes of each other. The plot is beautifully thought out and though it becomes difficult to follow at points, you will more than likely catch on eventually.

In terms of acting, it is some of the most top notch acting seen this fall. Damon is looking better than ever even though he had to put on a few pounds for the role. It is amazing to think that he is the same guy to bring Jason Bourne to life. This role further proves how versatile Damon is as an actor. Also featured in the film is Scott Bakulka as Brian Shephard, FBI agent. Bakulka who is most well known for his character in Quantum Leap is at his best and makes an audience question why Bakulka has not been used before in film. He portrays the intrigue, frustration and overall power an FBI agent has over people perfectly. Along for the ride with Bakulka is Joel McHale as FBI agent Robert Herndon. McHale (Community) really steps up to the plate for this big movie role and knocks it out of the park. His acting style is not utilized so much in dialogue but rather in nonverbals. McHale brings a power to each sarcastic look, dissappointed head shake and general body language used. Finally, last but not least is Melanie Lynskey as Whitacre’s wife, Ginger. She plays the committed wife to a T and is the perfect awkward ying to Damon’s yang. You sense that she would truly follow this foolish guy into the fire any day of the week just like the real Ginger Whitacre.

Also there are a few great comedy actors that take some semi-serious turns in The Informant. Those actors are as follows: Patton Oswalt, Tony Hale, Clancy Brown, Paul F. Thompkins and Andrew Daly.

Next, I have to commend the amazing production designer who made a nineties baby realize how dorky his parents looked nearly twenty years ago. I remember when the first trailer premiered that people were calling it that ’70s movie with Damon. How weird it is that the film in fact takes place within the 90s and 00s. With each ridiculous neck tie, cubicle space, plane and hotel room, Doug J. Meerdink nails every bit of the production design.

To forget the music would be a failure for me as both a film reviewer and music lover because Marvin Hamlisch is a true genius with The Informant. Each musical piece fits the setting and emotion around. Hamlisch accomplishes what many music composers cannot seem to pull off even through an entire film. Hamlisch also creates a sense of irony with the music used in the film with is sarcastic playing of “spy” music as Whitacre is simply a civillian spy in a simple business situation. It’s pitch pefect.

Okay finally the one and only Steven “Oceans” Soderbergh has created his best film in my opinion to date and I am a huge fan of the remake of Oceans Eleven. He has a great grasp on the story of Whitacre and his exploits. This really seemed like a personal project for him and his chance to get the real story of Mark Whitacre on screen. Will Whitacre appreciate Soderbergh’s film is not known but let it be known Steven, I loved The Informant and cannot wait to see your follow up film.

If you’re looking for a film similar to The Informant coming out soon, I suggest watching the trailer for the film, The Men Who Stare at Goats starring a Damon and Soderbergh friend, George Clooney.

The Informant is now playing at the Rivoli and The Men Who Stare at Goats will be released Nov. 6.

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