Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm hungry for a good movie: 'Zombieland' Movie Review

I start this review by saying this, I have never used the Lord’s name in veign more so than in Zombieland. The reason was, it blew my mind! There was so much fantastic violence and quirky, dark comedy to the movie, I still can’t fully comprehend what I witnessed.

Zombieland follows an unlikely crew of misfits as they travel through the United States, which is now overrun with flesh eating, oozing monsters. The characters in the film go by the names of their cities so as to not get to close to one another in case one of them becomes a zombie. The four city named non-zombiefied civillians are Columbus, a young college kid with no human connections, no family and a list of rules to fend off zombies, Tallahassee, a zombie killing machine who has a tragic past and wants to make no connection with any of these youngsters, oh and did I mention his ultimate goal in Zombieland is to hunt down a specific classic Hostess snack, Wichita, a wise, strong and cool woman who goes for the bad boys but might make an exception, and finally Little Rock, Wichita’s sister and partner in crime who is just as smart and wily as her big sister.

I don’t know where to begin with what I liked about this film from beginning to end it was a laugh riot and most intense movie experience I’ve experienced. Dare I say it may have even rivaled Inglourious Basterds for my favorite movie as of late.

This is a visual film, and that is putting it lightly. With every zombie, the make up is brilliantly done, so realistic, the use of Columbus’ rules in surviving Zombieland are brilliantly inserted in the film. Finally the most amazing part of Zombieland is the often overused slow motion. However, there is nothing corny or cheeseball about the use of the slow motion, it fits with every scene it’s used in and adds yet another level of awe. It is one of the most disturbing, disgusting and brilliantly shot films ever.

Not only is the direction and visual of the film beautiful with it comes brilliant acting from the cast. All four of them, Jesse Eisenberg (Columbus), Woody Harrelson (Tallahassee), Emma Stone (Wichita), Abigail Breslin (Little Rock) give some of the best performances of their careers. Looking at the idea of this film, you think that all is needed is a few kids and older middle aged type to have some fun blasting some zombies. However, there is more to it than that they all have to act comedy, drama, action, heroism and romance sometimes all in the same scene.

I would have to say the best performances come from Stone and Harrelson because they are so bad a—. Eisenberg does a really great job in his role as well but there’s something too Michael Cera about him. Honestly, I think I like his style more than Cera’s but because Cera was around before him it’s hard to forget. Breslin also puts in a great performance, proving that she has certainly gotten better with age.

Finally is the cameo…Yes, you may have heard about it. You may know who it is. I won’t say but believe me folks it lives up to all of the expectations one might have. It is certainly a tad random, but the movie has that feeling to it sometime so it’s not a surprise to see this person up on screen.

Overall this movie was pleasing to the eyes, even though it made the stomach queasy. It was made for only $ 23.6 million but it looks like a $100 million picture, they really got a lot of bang for their buck on this one. The direction by Ruben Fleischer is unbelievable he truly has a grasp of the genre and can handle directing both comedy and horror perfectly. The praise really must go to the writers, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, they created a screenplay that was so entertaining and genius in explaining what many people see as a joke but made Zombieland real and the most intense thrill ride moviegoers might go on this season.

The film was released October 2 and is currently playing at the Imperial Theatres in Hastings.

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