Thursday, October 8, 2009

Venom: Why won't the black goo die?

Venom has been in development for some time after the release of the travesty that is Spider-Man 3, but news of the film getting a director and writer has surfaced.  Gary Ross (currently writing Spider-Man 4) could be writing the Venom spin-off and even directing.  Ross is an interesting fit for the franchise in terms of screenwriting with his credits including Big, Dave and Lassie. However he has had a shot at a very visually stimulating film, Pleasantville as a director.

The film was originally set to be written by Paul Wernick and Rhett Rheese, who scribed the recent film, Zombieland, and before them Jacob Estes was entrusted to write the Spidey villain’s story.
There are no casting plans as of right now.  Originally the character was played by Topher Grace (That ’70s Show.)  It can be assumed that Grace will not be recast in the spin-off so as to seperate Venom’s film from the critical flop Spider-Man 3.

To say that Spider-Man 3 was a bad movie is an understatement, to say that it was a disaster, an understatement, that movie was an attack on a child’s heart.  A child who loved to watch the Saturday morning cartoon and awaited the moment when Eddie Brock would become Venom.

I recall my experience at a late screening the night before it came out (work at a movie theatre the perks are amazing).  I indulged the corny action flicks and cheese ball dialogue.  I thought the whole time, just wait, Venom will be here soon, and he came and went.  Along with an emo Peter Parker waltzing down New York’s streets like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. 

Honestly the character of Venom was good, not great, not everything he was in comic and cartoon lore.  I don’t blame Topher Grace, because I liked his performance but there was something that was just missing in the big black glob.

Spider-Man 4 is set for release on May 6 2011 and Venom currently does not have a release date.

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