Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ruben Fleischer is having the best week ever

A question you might be asking is who the heck is Ruben Fleischer?  First you could say he is the director of the critically and financially acclaimed film, Zombieland. Second you could say he is one of the most sought after directors in Hollywood.  Third, he’s way more legit than you.

Fleischer was originally a music video director looking for his shot at a big feature.  Now he has a number one film under his belt and is being listed with every comedy flick known in Hollywood.
Fleischer hasn’t officially joined any projects but a few The Hollywood Reporter has circled for the director are Daddy’s Home, Neighborhood Watch, 21 Jump Street and Psycho Funky Chimp.

Woody Harrelson had said in the past that Fleischer would be working with Will Ferrell next.  Apparently that’s not far off the mark.  Fleischer might direct the Ferrell vehicle, Daddy’s Home, in which Ferrell would be a divorced guy who reaks havoc in the life of his newly remarried ex-wife and her uptight second husband. (Possibly played by Ed Helms)

Next is the proposed recreation of the popular ’80s show, 21 Jump Street in film.  It was initially set to star Jonah Hill but doesn’t currently have a director and is being produced by Sony.  This could be a really cool project because after seeing what Fleischer has done with Zombieland it is intriguing to think about Hill in the role originally filled by Johnny Depp and I think Fleischer could bring a new spin to an old idea.

Another former Ferrell vehilce, Neighborhood Watch, is another potential project for him.  I wish I could tell you why this is the worst flipping idea ever.  I wish I could tell you.  In the film a city guy moves to the suburbs and discovers an alien conspiracy, it sounds fun it’s not.

Finally the most intriguing of his projects would have to be Psycho Funky Chimp.  This was his planned project before Zombieland.  The story follows a guy who buys the rarest of all Pez dispensers, the Psycho Funky Chimp.  The purchase attracts vultures, thieves and fanboys and makes him question whether he really is ready to grow up.

Recap: Daddy’s Home, poor move on Fleischer’s part, seems too juvenile, 21 Jump Street, heck yes bring on some high school infiltration with his style, Neighborhood Watch, please god no!  Even he cannot make this script good, Psycho Funky Chimp, I’m in for some weird fun!

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