Monday, October 12, 2009

Box Office Results: October 9th - 11th

Okay, I fail. I epically, horrifically fail as an entertainment reporter because this should have been done Sunday evening and is probably the single easiest story to post but here it is…late.

I am honestly not surprised by the box office results of the week but a trifle upset. Couples Retreat on the surface looks like a fun comedy with great comedy actors but I’m sorry in my world Vince Vaughn has overstayed his welcome and shame on Jason Bateman for being in a film with him.

Well, in the end it worked out for all involved because the film took in a very solid $34.2 million. Luckily something remained in the Top 3 deserving of such an honor, that film is Zombieland which I was able to watch this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Other surprises on the box office chart include Toy Story 1/2’s drop in the box office but apparently it was enough to have Disney extend the double features release.

Finally, comes the most exciting and impressive budget receipt for the weekend. Paranormal Activity the realistic limited released horror film raked in $7.9 million for the weekend. As of right now the winner for the weekend will be Where the Wild Things Are which will not be a surprise to anyone.

1.) Couples Retreat - $34.2 million
2.) Zombieland - $14.8 million
3.) Cloudy With a Chance for Meatballs - $11.5 million
4.) Toy Story/Toy Story 2 - $7.9 million
5.) Paranormal Activity - $7.7 million
6.) Surrogates - $4.2 million
7.) The Invention of Lying - $3.3 million
8.) Whip It - $2.8 million
9.) Capitalism: A Love Story - $2.6 million
10.) Fame - $2.5 million

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