Monday, October 12, 2009

Singer may re-join the "X-Men"

Bryan Singer just might collaborate with our favorite mutants (besides my family) again. Singer has certainly not signed on for any specific X-Men feature but there are plenty for the man who created the first two films.

Those films include X-Men: First Class currently being produced by X-Men, X2 and X-Men:The Last Stand producer Lauren Schuler Donner and written by Josh Schwartz (Chuck.)

Next up for grabs would be the proposed sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The sequel is set to star Hugh Jackman in the iconic role and possibly take place in Japan. Finally is the spin-off for Ryan Reynold’s character, Deadpool and maybe even the continuation of the current X-Men franchise with X-Men 4.

Singer has not officially signed on to any of these pictures and has plenty of projects he’s currently in development on. Included on Singer’s current slate are Exacalibur, Battlestar Galactica and Jack the Giant Killer.

According to The Hollywood Reporter Singer spoke up at the Pusan International Film Festival in South Korea and said:

“I’m still looking to possibly returning to the ‘X-Men’ franchise. I’ve been talking to Fox about it. I love Hugh Jackman. I love the cast.”

From Singer’s comments alone one could assume a number of things. First off the projects he more than likely won’t take on would probably be X-Men: First Class because he would have to drop the reigns of Jack because First Class is set to shoot in the spring. Also the second I would say should be dropped is Deadpool, from his comments he intends to work with Jackman again and his part in the spin-off would probably be cameo at most. Deadpool is also a character he hasn’t been particualrly familiar with in his films but it certainly would be neat to see Singer’s spin on the “merc with a mouth.”

So that leaves the rumored X-Men 4 or Wolverine 2, I would love to see Wolverine 2 by Singer but more exciting would be to see the whole gang together again. The reason it is more than likely the sequel to Wolverine would have to be his comment about working with Hugh Jackman, because again I would think Jackman’s claws are in Wolverine’s court and any part of a full X-Men film would be cameo at best.

Finally one cannot forget that maybe Singer might change his mind again and take out the ‘Man of Steel’ for another journey. As of right now it appears Supes is out of Singer’s hands. Perhaps Warner Brother will rethink such stupidity because the problem with Superman Returns wasn’t a bad story or most certainly direction but rather he wasn’t marketed well and he doesn’t really fit into this America anymore. Either way hopefully neither Warner Bros. or Fox drop by the ball on this because I want another Singer superhero film.

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